कई दिनों से कुछ हिंदी में लिखने का मन था
कई दिनों से छूत और अछूत के बारे में लिखने की इच्छा भी थी पर मौका नहीं मिल पा रहा था.
आज मौका भी है और कोई दूसरा कम भी नहीं है हाँथ में तो सोचा की क्यों ना इस बारे में ही लिखा जाये और हिंदी में ही लिखा जाये.
मेरे दादा जी हमेशा कहा करते थे की हमारे देश में जो भी नियम बने थे उनके पीछे कोई ना कोई वैज्ञानिक या तार्किक कारण होते थे लेकिन कालांतर में समय के साथ वो सारे कारण रुढियो में बदल गए और हम लोग अन्धविश्वास में उन साडी रुढियो को मानते चले गए. ऐसे ही कई नियम/ रुढियो में एक है छूत और अछूत भावना का होना.
पहले जब छूत और अछूत का नियम बनाया गया था यह नियम कर्म प्रधान था लेकिन बाद में यही नियम कर्म प्रधान होने के बजाय जन्म प्रधान हो गया. मेरे कहने का मतलब ये है की पहले जो लोग गन्दगी वाले काम करते थे उन्हें ही अछूत माना जाता था लेकिन बाद में उस कुल में जन्म लेने वाले हर व्यक्ति को अछूत माना जाने लगा.
जैसा की मैंने कहा की लगभग हर नियम के पीछे एक तार्किक या वैज्ञानिक कारण होता था इस नियम के साथ भी ऐसे ही कारण जुड़े हुए थे.
जिन लोगो को पहले अछूत माना जाता था वो या तो चर्मकारी के कार्य करते थे या फिर सफाई के कार्य करते थे और बाकि वो सभी वर्ग जिन्हें अछूत नहीं माना जाता था ऐसे कार्य करते थे जिनमे गन्दगी से कोई सरोकार नहीं था. ये सभी व्यक्ति जो अछूत वर्ण के थे उनके शरीरो में गन्दगी एवम गन्दगी में रहने वाले किटानू से होने वाली बिमारियों के प्रति प्रतिरोधक छमता विकसित हो चुकी थी अतः उन्हें तो इन बीमारियों के होने के अंदेशा कम ही था लेकिन उनका शरीर प्रतिरोधक होने के बाद भी बिमारियों का वाहक तो बन ही सकता था.
अब यदि हम बात करे ब्राहमण लोगो को तो वो लोग सबेरे उठ कर सबसे पहले स्नानादि करते थे फिर पूजा करते थे और फिर बाकि जो भी कार्य होते थे उन्हें पूरा करते थे कई ब्राहमण समुदाय के ऐसे व्यक्ति भी थे जो दो बार स्नान और ध्यान करते थे, अब चूंकि ये व्यक्ति अत्यधिक साफ सफाई से रहने वाले थे एवं इन लोगो के शरीर में वो प्रतिरोधक छमता नहीं थी जो अछूत वर्ण के लोगो के शरीर में बन चुकी थी अतः अछूत लोगो का स्पर्श इनके लिए स्पष्ट रूप से घातक था और उस घातक स्थिति से निकलने के लिए एक नियम बना दिया गया छूत और अछूत का जो की कालांतर में एक कुरीति बन गई और ये व्यवस्था कर्म प्रधान होने के बजे जनम प्रधान हो गई.
आज भी यदि हमारे परिवार का ही कोई सदस्य यदि पाखाना (toilet ) साफ कर के आता है तो उसे कहा जाता है की पहले नहा लो फिर बाकि के काम करो जिसका कारण है की जो भी बीमारी के कीटाणु सफाई के समय उस व्यक्ति से लगे होंगे वो नहाने के बाद साफ हो जायेंगे.
ये व्यवस्था जब बनी थी तब कर्म प्रधान व्यवस्था के अनुसार यह व्यवस्था सही थी लेकिन जब यही व्यवस्था जन्म प्रधान हो गई तो सही व्यवस्था गलत हो गई.
उम्मीद करता हूँ की यह जानकारी आपके लिए उपयोगी रही
छूत और अछूत व्यस्था और तार्किक एवं वैज्ञानिक कारण
0 commentsPosted by AP at 2:43 PM
Bad things come with Good
I just finished my dinner in midnight and past 30 minute that is 00:30 hour and started writing extract of my whole day but I will be able to post it tomorrow (logically) or in morning (theoretically) as my internet connection is not working since last 4 days thanks to my ISP ;) fortunately in this post ISP is going to play a keen role.
It was a tough day for me, I won’t say a bad day because finally I completed everything that I took in my hand other than one that’s my daughters vaccination will have to go again for that.
Well good and bad happen with everyone and if we count only bad things that happened with us life will be a hell in that case. I believe we should count only good thing or at least end result of all good and bad things.
My day started with a bad argument but due to that argument I was able to save my lot of precious time and I hope in future I will have a better attention from them it was good in my days start.
After that I went to Dr for my daughter’s vaccination but that Dr Denied for vaccination with a stupid reply that they cannot do vaccination for one child as it will not give them complete cost. Now I am not going to waste my time for that Dr. Tomorrow morning I will be going at better place for this. Good thing with this is that I won’t have to go to that Dr at 12noon for vaccination stupid time.
After that sales guy from one of ISP for my company called me for new financials for line up gradation and we finalized new pricing but when I received mail for same it was again a new hiked price but after a short discussion I was able to fix the deal on previous price that was another good thing for me. This will increase my backup line connection by 6 times in practical way and 8 times in logical way.
I was already in talk with another ISP for my existing internet line up gradation. Yesterday they gave me a demo of upgraded connection I was happy with speed but today when I was about to shift my load on new line, new line failed and I had nothing in my hand other than just waiting. Those ISP guys took more than 7 hour to identify and restore my problem and because of this I got angry but greatest thing were I was able to control my anger. At the end of the day they repaired my connection and I shifted my entire internet Load on this new line.
Now I have practically double speed and logically it increased by 8 times. Earlier it was 1:4 but now its 1:1 good enough for my needs.
It was a tough day for me, I started feeling headache due to 7 hour pointless exercise with ISP guys and other good and bad but with belief on “if end is good everything is good” theory I ended my day with full of energy for next day.
Bad thing happened with me but with all those bad I got good as well. This bad is not going to bug me again but all the good that I found with these bad is going to last longer and will be useful for me as well.
After morning I am going to be busy in another big task with full of my energy and time so completing this post in night only
Posted by AP at 2:46 PM
Today I felt proud on an unknown guy of my City(Indore).
Today Morning one guy asked me to give him lift. I stopped my bike because he was physically challenged and I try to help all those who need and deserve help.
He is completely physically challenged by one part of his body. Leg is not in good enough to walk him straight, one eye is half closed not sure if he can see with it, on hand is also not in good condition.
I asked him where he want to go and he told me till Agniban Press( City mid day news paper). I asked him again “what you will do there” and his reply was “I sell news paper”, I asked him “how you can sell news paper in this kind of health” and what he replied was not only shocking but also very informative and a lesson to all those who say god dint give us.
He said to me “with this kind of health and my educational background I can earn money either by begging or work like this. As long as my body’s one part is working fine I will not go for begging.” This statement gave me a moment of pride that I gave him lift on my bike and this is definitely a teaching for all those who say god is not fair enough with them. This guy has no complaint for god.
When I dropped him at his destination he thanked me with a great smile for lift and went for his work with full of energy.
5 years back Director of my company said “Indore ke logo me kam karne ki aag nahi hai, jajba nahi hai” but few are there who have that fire and I found that fire in this guy.
Posted by AP at 1:59 PM
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