Mai papa ban gaya

I am blessed with baby daughter today 12.30PM IST.

Deedi(my elder sister) ordered me to stay at home so she can go and see my daughter, it was feeling like impossible for me to wait but had no option so started writing.

Till yesterday I was too tired, nervous, tensed, confused but today I am flying highest in sky. When I heard crying voice of her I felt a tremendous joy, when I took her in my arms I felt like most hapy person in world. It was greatest feeling I ever had in my entire life. All the exertion of last several months is gone; I do not have word to explain this but what I can do is I can share photos of my sweetheart.


Ajay Menghani said...

Congo ap bhai aap papa ban gaye.. kya gajab ki pari jasji gudiya he.. kuchi ku... thanks for posting her pic on ur blog..