कुछ समय के लिए बचपन की सैर


जब भी हम जगजीत सिंग जी की गजल "वो कागज की कश्ती वो बारिश का पानी सुनते हैं" तो दिल में एक आस जरूर जगती है की काश ऐसा हो पाता की हम सच में फिर से बचपन में जा पाते जहा न जिंदगी की जदोजहद है न नौकरी या कारोबार की परेशानिया . वास्तव मे ऐसा होना संभव तो नहीं है लेकिन मैंने आज से कुछ लम्हों को चुराया और पहुँच गया बचपन की यादो मे.

आज घर पर काका काकी मामा मामी दीदी जीजा सभी आये हुए थे और अचानक मैंने सभी से पैसे मांगना शुरू कर दिया बिलकुल वैसे ही जैसे सालो पहले बचपन मे माँगा करता था, किसी ने भी पैसे देने से मन नहीं करा बल्कि बड़े रुपये के नोट निकाल कर देने लगे और मैंने उन सभी नोटों को एक सिरे से नकार दिया... मैंने कहा मुझे चिल्लर पैसे चाहिए चीज खाना है(मै बिलकुल ऐसे ही बचपन में पैसे लिए करता था) ........

मैंने सभी से जितने हो सकते थे उतने पैसे लिए और मेरे चचेरे भाई(जो की मेरा बहोत अच्छा दोस्त भी है) को साथ ले कर बिना किसी से कुछ कहे बाहर चला गया.

हम लोग नजदीक की सब्जी मंडी गए वहां हमने पानी बताशे से शुरवात की और फिर ठेले पर कबीट चटनी, जलजीरा, गन्ने का रस, बर्फ लड्डू , बुढिया के बाल, १रुपये वाली कचोरी, चावल के पापड़ खाए और उसके बाद दुकान से संतरे की गोली खरीदी और वो भी खा ली और उसके बाद हम घर पहुंचे..

घर पहुँचने के बाद जब हमने हमारे कार्यकलापो को सभी को बताया तो मेरी दीदी, मेरी पत्नी और मेरी भाभी तीनो मेरे पैर तोडना चाहती थी क्योंकि मै उन्हें मेरे साथ नहीं ले कर गया था. हा हा हा हा हा हा हा हा ....

उन तीनो का तो ठीक है लेकिन घर पर बाकि के जो सदस्य थे वो सभी इस प्यार भरी लड़ाई का मजा ले रहे थे और और बड़े ही खुश नजर आ रहे थे जिस कारण मुझे खुश होने का एक और मौका मिल गया.

अब मै मात्र एक समस्या से झूझ रहा हूँ, मै अभी नाना प्रकार की अजीब अजीब आवाजे निकाल रहा हूँ और साथ मे कुछ और भी जिसका वर्णन मै नहीं करूंगा... खैर मेरा तो ठीक है मै छत पर खुले मे सोता हूँ लेकिन मै डर रहा हूँ मेरे भाई के लिए जाने उसके साथ क्या हो रहा होगा... उम्मीद करता हूँ की उसको एक मछरदानी और बिस्तर जरूर मिल गया हो....

हा हा हा हा हा कृपया बुरा न मानियेगा

वैधानिक चेतावनी:--> यदि आप ये सब करना चाहते हैं तो आपके स्वास्थ और अन्य किसी भी समस्या के लिए मुझे दोषी न ठहराए...

Back to bachpan for a short span of time


“Ye Kagaj ki kashti ye barish ka pani” whenever we here this gajal sung Mr Jagjeet singh we always wish if we could go back in our childhood where neither we have to worry about difficulties of life n nor we have to bother for our job or business. I know practically it’s not possible but today I stole few moments from time and went back in to memory of my child hood.

Today my Kaka Kaki (uncle, aunty) mama-mami(maternal uncle-aunty), deedi -jeeja (my sister and brother in law) all were there at home and suddenly I asked money from every one of them in similar manner that I used to do years back… none of them resisted but they took out some big rupee notes and I clearly denied those notes… I asked them for change (chillar paise) like they used to give me in my childhood.

I collected money from all of them who were my senior including my mom dad, left cell phone at home and went out with my cousin (who is good friend as well) without telling anything at home.

We went to local market by walk, that is very near to home, there I started eating from pani batashe than I search a cart (hath thela) where I got kabit chatni, then we looked for jaljeera shop, than budhia ke bal, than ganne ka ras (sugarcane juice) than barf ladoo (Ice balls), than Kachori in 1Rs, then I searched for santra goli and then chawal papad and went back to home…

When we reached home and shared everything with everyone at home my sister, my wife and my cousins wife were almost ready to break my legs because I dint take them with me…. Hehehehehe

And everyone else (all senior member) was just enjoying this fight and was laughing and they were very happy too that gave me a big reason for being happy.

Only problem that I am felling now is I am making different kind of sounds…. Hahhahahaaha for me its ok as I sleep in open environment but I am wondering about my cousin I hope for best for him….

Hahhahahaha Please don’t mind…

Saturatory warning:à If you want to try it, please remember I have no responsibility of your health or broken limbs…

Computer Features in Life


By Being a Computer Savvy and regular computer user I miss many things in real life that I can easily do if it’s on computer. I am very much sure many of you also miss them.

If God ask to me 7 Features of computer that I want to have in life than here is my list you please share your own in comment section.

Where the Search button is: Many things I miss many times in my rooms or at some other and I can’t get them easily. All the time when I face this situation I always thing why we don’t have a search button in our life.

F1… F1… F1….: Similar to computer sometimes I feel how easy it could have been if we have a F1 button in life also, A button that solve many of my problem when I feel blank in any application. Simple F1 press fill lot of that blankness without taking any human help.

Why I can’t get Pizza, cake, chocolate or Ice-cream in attachment: some time when my friends are hanging without me they call me shall we send you this in attachment on email. We all know it’s not possible till this time not sure about future. But how good it could be it we could have possible of getting material like this with email attachment in our real life.

Please give me a tool that can archive it all: I hate to delete files on my computer unless it’s not junk but neither I can allow those files to keep consuming my disk space nor I can leave it like this, so I put multiple file on zip and place at a backup location. I always wish if I can do it for my old comics, books sketches and my other hobby stuff.

Give me a Life Restore point Please: In windows computer after XP every client OS has a feature called System Restore। This feature allow user to restore computer state on previous time, it’s very useful in Windows System any mistake can be undone by taking system on previous date. If we can get this feature in life we can wipe our blunders just by a restart.(For Mac user it could be Time Machine)

Ctrl+Z: Ooops I did a mistake in doing something, no worries we can undo it… we can say this if working on computer but not in life..I wish for this as well in my life.

Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V: Its last but not least, Think if we could have these buttons in real life than no one had to live in deficiency, we could have make any amount of food, shelter, water, fuel or anything that we are lacking at this time by just copy and paste it from one place to another.

Well List could grow a lot but these are few features that I always Miss, please share your own.

Please do share your thoughts even if it sound funny to you