God do care his children only thing we dont realise it

Few say god doesn’t care them but I am not one of them because god always saved and cared me and today almighty saved me once again for a certain pain full death.

Today I was driving to office on very slow speed (around 30KMPH) in possible left most side and a overloaded truck tried to overtake me , I didn’t even noticed it because it usual if you drive slow people will want to overtake you. Suddenly when truck came parallel to me before a curve my bike got Jammed without applying Break, Gear, Clutch or Accelerator change.

Just after that within time of few seconds I saw that truck got crashed on curve on left side and if my bike wouldn’t have stopped I might have gone under load of that truck and a certain pain full death.

I agree this might sound like a but its fact that happened with me. In last six month this is second time when god saved me from death last time it was a ceiling fan who almost killed me :).

Good News I am safe bad news my past experience for these kind of safe say I need to be cautious for rest of day because of some tiny problems.

For all just believe on god and make sure you remember him whenever you leave home doesn’t matter you call him ishwar, allah, jejus or waheguru.

Just remember him always, he is there for helping you and saving you